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Student Disciplinary Committee

Terms of Reference

 1.  To discharge, on behalf of the Senate, matters related to student discipline as defined in the Regulations for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, including the investigation of allegations of student misconduct and student academic misconduct referred to the Committee in accordance with the Regulationsand with reference to sanctions of previous relevant cases.
 2.  To advise and make recommendations to the Senate on matters related to the discipline of students in the University.
 3.  To submit to the Chair of the Senate no later than the 31 July each year a written report covering the activities of the Committee during the previous academic year (1 July to 30 June).


 To summon before it, for the purpose of giving evidence at a hearing, any student or employee of the University.  Failure to attend upon such summons may be referred to the Chair of the Senate.


 Chair: Nominated by the Provost from among the Committee's serving members and appointed by the Chair of the Senate

  • Professor Chii SHANG 商啟教授
 Secretary: Secretary of the Senate, ex-officio
  • Miss Terrenz WONG Yin-Hang 黃演行小姐
 (a)  One faculty or staff member from each School and the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, to be nominated by the Provost.
  • Professor Shing-Chi CHEUNG 張成志教授, Engineering
  • Professor Yong HUANG 黃湧教授, Science
  • Professor Kevin CHEN 陳建文教授, Business & Management
  • Professor Wenkai HE 和文凱教授, Humanities & Social Science
  • Professor Kira MATUS, Division of Environments & Sustainability
 (b)  One present or past Residence Master, to be nominated by the Provost.
  • Professor SHANG Chii 商啟教授, Residence Master
 (c)  Four student members to be nominated by the relevant student bodies, with at least one undergraduate and one postgraduate.
  • Ms Yan-Sze Veroncia CHAN, Undergraduate
  • Mr Yanshuo Lucas HU, Undergraduate
  • Ms Shu-Yiu TSOI, Undergraduate
  • Ms Yilin WANG, Postgraduate
 (d)  Where a gender-related case is involved, the Provost may co-opt member(s) from the Gender Discrimination Committee and such member(s) shall have full voting rights.
 (e) Reserve members, to be nominated to the Committee when required in order to ensure a quorum:

      - One faculty or staff member and One student member, nominated by the Provost. 

Term:   For student members, one-year term, renewable
            For other members, a staggered term of one or two years, renewable
Quorum:  Three faculty or staff and two student members
Information as of 1 January 2024