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Scholarship Committee

Terms of Reference

 1.  To advise and make recommendations to the Senate on all matters concerning the administration of scholarships, prizes and other funds that are awarded mainly on academic merit in the University. Such advice and recommendations should include but not be limited to:
      (a)  the formulation of policies and guidelines for the award of scholarships and prizes administered by the University; and
      (b)  other matters as may be required by the Senate.
 2.  To establish procedures and methods in the selection of recipients for awards.
 3.  To coordinate the selection of recipients by Schools and Departments for awards designated to them and to conduct selection for general awards.
 4.  To submit to the Chair of the Senate no later than the 31 July each year a written report covering the activities of the committee during the previous academic year (1 July to 30 June).


 1.  To co-opt such additional voting members as may be required but not exceeding one-third of formal committee membership.
 2.  To form any working groups as considered necessary.


 Chair: Nominated by the Provost from among the Committee’s serving members who are also Senate Members and appointed by the Chair of the Senate
  • Professor Emily NASON 劉夢琳教授
 Secretary: Appointed by Dean of Students
  • Ms Euphemia CHOW 鄒枳榆女士


(a)  Dean of Students or designee, ex-officio

  • Professor CHOW King-Lau 周敬流教授, Acting

 (b)  One representative to be nominated by each School Board and Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Professor MAK Ho-Yi 麥皓怡教授, Science
  • Professor WANG Yu-Hsing 王幼行教授, Engineering 
  • Professor SIU Kam-Wing 蕭錦榮教授, Business & Management
  • Professor Baryon Tensor POSADAS, Humanities & Social Science
  • Professor WANG Zhe  王哲教授, Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies
 (c)  Co-opted Member
       Director of Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions Office
  • Professor Emily NASON 劉夢琳教授
 Term: Two years, renewable
Information as of 8 June 2024