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Committee on Academic Integrity

Terms of Reference

1.  In accordance with the "Procedural Framework Governing Violations of Academic Integrity" endorsed by the Senate on 21 April 2015, to make enquiries into written complaint(s) referred to the Committee by the Provost or the Vice-President for Research and Development and, as appropriate, either dismiss the charge(s) or conduct a hearing.

2.  To  submit  to  the Chair of  the Senate  no  later  than 31 July  each  year  a  written  report covering the activities of the committee during the previous academic year (1 July to 30 June).


Chair: Nominated by the Provost from among the Committee’s serving Members and appointed by the Chair of the Senate

  • Professor Henry LAM Hei-Ning 林熙寧教授

Secretary: Secretary of the Senate, ex-officio

  • Miss Terrenz WONG Yin-Hang 黃演行小姐

 (a)  One member to be appointed by the Chair of the Senate

  • Professor Henry LAM Hei-Ning 林熙寧教授

 (b)  One representative to be nominated by each School and the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Professor Guocheng JIA 賈國成教授 - Science

  • Professor Rachel Q. ZHANG 張荃教授 - Engineering

  • Professor Jiatao Li 李家濤教授 - Business & Management

  • Professor LIN Yi-Min 林益民教授 - Humanities & Social Science

  • Dr Masaru YARIME 鎗目雅博士 - Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies

Term: Two years, renewable  
Eligibility:  Holders of office at Dean's level and above or their equivalent are not eligible to be nominated and appointed

Information as of 1 November 2023

Procedural Framework Governing Violations of Academic Integrity