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Committee on Undergraduate Studies

Terms of Reference

 1.  To advise and make recommendations to the Senate on policies and regulations, by taking into account the University's overall interest, and to monitor and review procedures, quality and performance relating to undergraduate studies of HKUST and HKUST (Guangzhou) in light of the "Unified HKUST, Complementary Campuses" umbrella, including, but not limited to:
      (a)  general program requirements;
      (b)  program development including new programs recommended by School/ Academy of Interdisciplinary
            Studies (AIS)/ Hub Boards (or the equivalents);
      (c)  program quality control, including examinations and award of degrees;
      (d)  matters from the School/ AIS/ Hub Boards (or equivalents) relating to undergraduate studies and student appeals;
      (e)  selection and admission of undergraduate students;
      (f)  collection and maintenance of student records;
      (g)  student fees and financial assistance; and
      (h)  other matters as may be required by the Senate.
 2.  To submit to the Chair of the Senate no later than the 31 July each year a written report covering the activities of the committee during the previous academic year (1 July to 30 June).


 1.  To co-opt such additional voting members as may be required but not exceeding one-third of formal Committee membership.
 2.  To form any working groups as considered necessary.


 Chair: Nominated by the Provost and appointed by the Chairman of the Senate
  • Professor Andrew HORNER 康立德教授
 Member and Secretary: Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning), ex-officio
  • Professor Jimmy FUNG Chi-Hung 馮志雄教授


(a) Two faculty members to be nominated by each School, and one faculty member to be nominated by AIS respectively

       Nominated by Schools and AIS:
  • Professor LEUNG Pak-Wo 梁伯和教授, Science
  • Professor MOW Wai-Ho 繆偉豪教授, Engineering
  • Professor Gavin Percy DIAS, Business & Management
  • Professor Simon WONG 黃敏浩教授, Humanities & Social Science
  • Professor Arthur LAU, 劉培生教授, Academy Interdisciplinary studies
  • Professor Frederick Tsz Ho FONG 方子豪教授, Science
  • Professor HUANG Baoling 黃寶陵教授, Engineering
  • Professor Allen HUANG 黄昊教授, Business & Management
  • Professor James WONG 王家禮教授, Humanities & Social Science
 (b)  Dean of Students, ex-officio
  •  Professor CHOW King-Lau 周敬流教授, Acting
 (c)  Academic Registrar, ex-officio;
  • Mr James A. PRINCE 潘廉士先生
 (d)  One undergraduate student representative to be nominated by each School and AIS
Nominated by School and AIS:
  • Mr Zhengyu DING, Science
  • Mr Wang Hin SZETO, Engineering
  • Mr Man Chun KWONG, Business & Management
  • Miss Ho Ching KONG, Humanities & Social Science
  • Miss Maksim SHARAPOV, Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies

 (e)  Co-opted members
       One representative nominated by the Center for Language Education

  • Professor Melinda WHONG 
       Director of Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions
  • Professor Emily NASON 劉夢琳教授
       Academic Director of Undergraduate Core Education
  • Professor Sai Lok NAM 藍世樂教授
        Director of Center for Education Innovation
  • Dr Sean MCMINN
Term: For student members, one year, renewable
          For others, two years, renewable
Information as of 1 September 2024