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Committee on Teaching and Learning Quality

Terms of Reference

 1.  To advise and make recommendations to the Senate on policies, regulations and guidelines relating to the quality assurance of teaching, learning and assessment by taking into account the University's overall interest, to promote the quality of teaching and learning and to monitor the operation of related quality assurance processes of HKUST and HKUST (Guangzhou) in light of the "Unified HKUST, Complementary Campuses" umbrella. The discharge of these responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to:
     (a)  maintaining oversight of and developing procedures, where appropriate, for the periodic review of undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses and programs, with external input, and monitoring their implementation;
      (b)  receiving and commenting on reports and action plans from Schools/ Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS)/ Hubs following external reviews of teaching and learning, including accreditation by professional bodies where appropriate, as part of assuring the quality of the University's educational provision and maintaining the academic standards of the University's awards;
   (c)  overseeing the development, maintenance, communication and implementation of the University's quality assurance framework.
 2.  To receive and evaluate annual reports from School/AIS/ Hub Boards (or the equivalents) on teaching and learning in the courses and programs of Schools AIS and Hubs, and from academic support units on their support of teaching and learning; and to establish the timetable, format and guidelines for annual reports.
 3.  To disseminate examples of good practice in teaching, learning and assessment; and to provide feedback  and recommendations, as appropriate, to Schools/ AIS/ Hubs and academic support units based on the annual reviews of teaching and learning quality.
 4.  To advise on matters related to the evaluation of teaching, including, but not limited to, student evaluations of courses and instructors.
 5.  To advise on financial and other support for teaching development activities.
 6.  To submit to the Chair of the Senate no later than the 31 of July each year a written report covering the period from 1 July to 30 June on the activities of the committee and the state of teaching and learning quality during the previous academic year.


 1.  To co-opt such additional members as may be required, but not exceeding one-third of the formal committee membership.
 2.  To form any working groups as considered necessary.


 Chair: Nominated by the Provost and appointed by the Chairman of the Senate
  • Professor Bradley A. FOREMAN 霍文彬教授
 Member and Secretary: Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning), ex-officio
  • Professor Jimmy FUNG Chi-Hung 馮志雄教授
(a)   Two faculty members to be nominated by each School, and one faculty member to be nominated by AIS respectively
       Nominated by Schools:
  • Professor SU Haibin, 蘇海斌教授, Science
  • Professor WANG Yu-Hsing 王幼行教授, Engineering
  • Professor Jeevan JAISINGH, Business & Management
  • Professor Simon WONG Man-Ho 黃敏浩教授, Humanities & Social Science
  • Professor BAO Zhigang, 鮑志剛教授, Science
  • Professor Melody CHAO Manchi 周文芝教授, Business & Management
       Nominated by the Dean of the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies:
  • Professor Naubahar SHARIF, AIS
(b)  One representative from the Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, to be nominated by the Dean
  • Miss Peggy LEE, 李曉霞小姐
(c)  Dean of Students, or nominee
  • Professor CHOW King-Lau 周敬流教授, Acting
(d)  Director or designee of the Center for Language Education, and Director or designee of the Center for Education Innovation, would be ex-officio;
  • Professor Melinda WHONG, Center for Language Education, ex-officio
  • Dr Sean MCMINN, Center for Education Innovation, ex-officio
(e)  One undergraduate student representative and one postgraduate student representative, to be nominated by the University
  • Miss Wing-Yan WONG, Undergraduate
  • Miss Maria ALVINA, Postgraduate

 (h) Co-opted Members:

   Academic Director of Undergraduate Core Education, or nominee
  • Professor Sai Lok NAM 藍世樂教授  
   Associate Provost of Institutional Data and Research, or nominee
  • Dr Alison LLOYD 

   Academic Registrar

  • Mr James A. PRINCE 潘廉士先生
Term: For student members, one year, renewable
          For others, two years, renewable
Information as of 7 September 2024