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Committee on Student Affairs

Terms of Reference

 1.  To advise and make recommendations to the Senate on policies relating to student affairs.
 2.  To consider at the request of the Senate policy issues relating to student affairs.
 3.  To submit to the Chair of the Senate no later than the 31 July each year a written report covering the activities of the committee during the previous academic year (1 July to 30 June).


 1.  To co-opt such additional voting members as may be required but not exceeding one-third of formal committee membership.
 2.  To form any working groups as considered necessary.


 Chair: Nominated by the Provost and appointed by the Chair of the Senate
  • Professor Stanley LAU 劉振鈞教授
 Member and Secretary: Dean of Students, ex-officio
  • Professor CHOW King-Lau 周敬流教授, Acting

 (a)  One Dean or Associate Dean of Schools/the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, one Department/Division Head, and one Residence Master to be nominated by the Provost

  • Professor Allen HUANG 黄昊教授, Associate Dean of Business & Management
  • Professor Chi Ying TSUI 崔志英教授, Division Head of Integrative System & Design
  • Kam-Wing SIU, 蕭錦榮教授, Residence Master of UG Hall 1
 (b)  One representative to be nominated by each School Board and the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, excluding the School/Academy of the serving Dean or Associate Dean
  • Professor Ivan IP 葉智皓教授, Science
  • Professor Kevin TAM 談儉邦教授, Social Science 
  • Professor Pedro SANDER, 辛連德教授, Engineering
  • Professor LU Zhongming 盧中銘教授, Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies
 (c)  Dean of Students, ex-officio
  • Professor CHOW King-Lau 周敬流教授, Acting
 (d)  Four students, with at least one postgraduate and two undergraduates, to be nominated by the relevant student bodies
  • Mr Ka-Shing CHONG, Undergraduate
  • Miss Shu-Yiu TSOI, Undergraduate
  • Miss Wing-Ka CHO, Undergraduate
  • Mr Ho-Wai NG, Undergraduate
  • Miss Yicheng ZHAO, Postgraduate
Term: For student members, one year, renewable
          For others, two years, renewable
Information as of 13 September 2024