More About HKUST

Senior Executives Affairs Committee

Summary of Functions

The Senior Executives Affairs Committee advises Council on terms and conditions of service for the President, the Provost and the Vice-Presidents of the University, as well as on their re-appointment.

Terms of Reference


 Chairman :

  • Professor SHUM Heung-Yeung, Harry 沈向洋教授, BBS, Chairman of the Council

 Members :

  • Professor Patrick YEUNG Kai-Cheung 楊佳錩教授, Vice-Chairman of the Council cum Chairman of the Human Resources Committee
  • Mr Stephen YIU Kin-Wah 姚建華先生, JP, Treasurer of the University

 Secretary :

  • Ms Ying HUANG 黃鶯女士

Information as of 1 July 2024

Biographies and Attendance of Members: