More About HKUST

Standing Committee

Summary of Functions

The Standing Committee, which comprises the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Council Committees and representatives of the senior management, reports and makes recommendations to Council on matters requiring policy and executive decisions.  It performs any tasks delegated by the Council.

Terms of Reference



  • Professor SHUM Heung-Yeung, Harry 沈向洋教授, BBS


  • Professor Patrick YEUNG Kai-Cheung 楊佳錩教授


  • Mrs Jennifer CHENG 鄭余雅穎女士
  • Professor Tim CHENG 鄭光廷教授
  • Mr Peter CHEUNG Kam-Fai 張錦輝先生, SBS
  • Ms Kitty CHOI Kit-Yu 蔡潔如女士, SBS
  • Professor GUO Yike 郭毅可教授
  • Professor Nancy IP Yuk-Yu 葉玉如教授, SBS, MH, JP
  • Mr Rembert LAI Siu-Kin 黎紹堅先生
  • Mrs Tennessy LEE HUI Mei-Sheung 李許美嫦女士, MH, JP
  • Ms Edith SHIH 施熙德女士
  • Professor Kar-Yan TAM 譚嘉因教授, MH, JP
  • Professor Yang WANG 汪揚教授
  • Mr Billy WONG Wing-Hoo 黃永灝先生, BBS, JP
  • Mr Stephen YIU Kin-Wah 姚建華先生, JP
  • Mr Patrick YEUNG Wai-Tim 楊偉添先生


  •  Miss Terrenz WONG 黃演行小姐

  Information as of 1 July 2024


 Biographies and Attendance of Members: