More About HKUST

Senate Membership

The President:

  • Professor Nancy Yuk-Yu IP 葉玉如教授

The Provost:

  • Professor GUO Yike 郭毅可教授, Provost

The Vice-Presidents:

  • Professor Tim CHENG Kwang-Ting 鄭光廷教授, Research & Development 

  • Professor TAM Kar-Yan 譚嘉因教授, Administration & Business

  • Professor WANG Yang 汪揚教授, Institutional Advancement

  • Ir John KWONG Ka-Sing 鄺家陞工程師, Development

The Deans:

  • Professor LO Hong-kam 羅康錦教授, Dean of Engineering

  • Professor HUI Kai-Lung 許佳龍教授, Dean of Business & Management, Acting

  • Professor Cameron CAMPBELL, Dean of Humanities & Social Science, Acting

  • Professor WONG Yung-Hou 王殷厚教授, Dean of Science

  • Professor Charles NG Wang-Wai 吳宏偉教授, Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School

  • Professor CHOW King-Lau 周敬流教授, Dean of Students, Acting

  • Professor QU Huamin 屈華民教授, Dean of Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies

Heads of Academic Departments or Divisions in the Schools of Science, Engineering, and Business and Management:
        School of Science

  • Professor LEUNG Wa-Hung 梁華雄教授, Chemistry, Acting

  • Professor  Guojun BU 卜國軍教授, Life Science

  • Professor XU Kun 徐昆教授, Mathematics

  • Professor GAN Jianping 甘劍平教授, Ocean Science

  • Professor WANG Jiannong 王建農教授, Physics

        School of Engineering

  • Professor SHAO Minhua 邵敏華教授, Chemical & Biological Engineering

  • Professor ZHANG Limin 張利民教授, Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Professor ZHOU Xiaofang 周曉方教授, Computer Science & Engineering

  • Professor Andrew POON Wing-On 潘永安教授, Electronic & Computer Engineering

  • Professor ZHANG Jiheng 張季恆教授, Industrial Engineering & Decision Analytics

  • Professor ZHANG Fumin 張福民教授, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Acting

        School of Business and Management

  • Professor HUNG Mingyi 洪明儀教授, Accounting

  • Professor David COOK 戴懷谷教授, Economics, Acting

  • Professor ZHANG Chu 張處教授, Finance

  • Professor James THONG 湯永亮教授, Information Systems, Business Statistics & Operations Management, Acting

  • Professor GONG Yaping 龔亞平教授, Management

  • Professor HONG Jiewen 洪潔雯教授, Marketing

Heads of Academic Divisions in the School of Humanities and Social Science:

  • Professor Joshua DERMAN, Humanities, Acting

  • Professor Yongshun CAI 蔡永順教授, Social Science

Heads of Academic Divisions in the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies:

  • Professor QU Huamin 屈華民教授,  Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas 

  • Professor Alexis LAU Kai-Hon 劉啟漢教授, Environment and Sustainability

  • Professor Naubahar SHARIF 白立邦教授, Public Policy, Acting

  • Professor Qian ZHANG 張黔教授, Integrative Systems and Design, Acting

  • Professor Hongbo FU 傅紅波教授, Arts and Machine Creativity, Acting

Academic Registrar:

  • Mr James A. PRINCE 潘廉士先生

Director of Library Services:

  • Dr Gabrielle WONG 黃家慧博士

Four other academic staff members from each School (other than the School of Humanities and Social Science and the Fok Ying Tung Graduate School) elected by the Schools:
        School of Science

  • Professor Rongbiao TONG 童榮標教授

  • Professor Yuki HIRANO 平野恭敬教授

  • Professor JIN Tianling 金天靈教授

  • Professor Berthold JAECK

        School of Engineering

  • Professor Howard LUONG 梁錦和教授

  • Professor Irene LO 勞敏慈教授

  • Professor YU Hongyu 于宏宇教授

  • Professor Albert CHUNG 鍾志成教授

       School of Business and Management

  • Professor  Yuk-Fai FONG 房育輝教授

  • Professor LI Jiatao 李家濤教授

  • Professor Qing LI 黎擎教授

  • Professor Allen HUANG 黄昊教授

One academic staff member from the School of Humanities and Social Science elected by the School:

  • Professor Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN

Three academic staff members elected by full-time academic staff:

  • Professor Zachariah BROWN

  • Professor  LU Mengqian 陸萌茜教授

  • Professor WANG Yi 王一教授

Co-opted full-time academic staff members:

  • Professor Chii SHANG 商啟教授

  • Professor CHAN Che-Ting 陳子亭教授

  • Professor Kam-Biu LUK 陸錦標教授

  • Professor Bradley A. FOREMAN 霍文彬教授

  • Professor Jimmy FUNG Chi-Hung 馮志雄教授

  • Professor Andrew HORNER 康立德教授

  • Professor Henry LAM Hei-Ning 林熙寧教授

  • Professor Stanley LAU 劉振鈞教授

  • Professor Ross MURCH 穆樂思教授

  • Professor Emily NASON 劉夢琳教授 

  • Professor Shing-Yu LEUNG 梁承裕教授

President of Students' Union:

  • Mr Po Him TONG 唐寶謙先生

One undergraduate student elected by undergraduate students:

  • Mr Hardrian Wai To TANG 鄧瑋韜先生 

One postgraduate student elected by postgraduate students:

  • Mr WANG Yu 汪煜先生


  • Miss Terrenz WONG Yin-Hang 黃演行小姐

Information as of 26 September 2024