More About HKUST

Campus Development Committee

Summary of Functions

The Campus Development Committee advises Council on matters relating to the planning and physical development of University facilities, including matters relating to the acquisition and disposal of property. The Committee is responsible for updating the Council and overseeing the preparation of the University’s Campus Master Plan. 

Terms of Reference



  • Mr Rembert LAI Siu-Kin 黎紹堅先生


  • Mr Billy WONG Wing-Hoo 黃永灝先生, BBS, JP


  • Mr Peter CHEUNG Kam-Fai 張錦輝先生, SBS
  • Ir Dr Humphrey LEUNG Kwong-Wai 梁廣偉博士、工程師, JP
  • Professor Poman LO 羅寶文教授
  • Mr Terry TSANG Kin-Chung 曾建中先生

  Co-opted Members:

  • Sr AU Choi Kai 區載佳測量師, SBS
  • Ms Carolin FONG Suet-Yuen方雪原女士
  • Mr Wilson FUNG Ying-Wai 馮英偉先生, MH
  • Mr Patrick SIU 蕭赤虹先生

  Ex-officio Member:

  • Professor Kar-Yan TAM 譚嘉因教授, MH, JP, Vice-President for Administration and Business


  • Mr Kit LEUNG 梁英傑先生

Information as of 1 July 2024


Biographies and Attendance of Members: